A Note From Pat Gentile

How lucky am I that I get to work with the LAM community again?! Throughout my long professional career, I have never encountered a more dedicated, passionate, and respectful group of folks working together to fulfill their organization’s mission. And, although the tour of duty for me will be shorter this time (4 months), I am committed to work as hard and best as possible to steer The LAM Foundation’s movement into the future.
This fall season, we’ll begin program planning for the 2025 LAMposium in Kansas City to be held next September, where we’ll celebrate our 30th Anniversary and honor our co-founders, Sue Brynes and Dr. Francis X. McCormack. We’ll also lay the groundwork for the Strategic Planning process that will include all of the community’s stakeholders, like you, to set our 2026-2030 goals as we strive toward a cure. In addition, our in-person October Board meeting will be held in Philadelphia, featuring a presentation by Dr. Marina Holz on the outcomes of the LAM-PREP study, which will be foundational for drafting the Strategic Plan. Study results will also be shared with all of you. A heartfelt thank you to all who participated in the 2023-24 study!
In November, we’ll gather in Arizona with some of our researchers to review and recommend funding the 2025 LAM research proposals from the 27 scientists who dedicated time and effort to develop and submit proposed studies. Those recommendations go to the December Board meeting for approval along with the 2025 work plan and organizational budget.
And of course, our wonderful staff will continue their everyday work that keeps the Foundation thriving!
As we dive into these busy months, the Board of Directors will renew their search with Sandler Search for the next Executive Director. We have a large pool of interested highly qualified candidates. The resulting fortunate individual will be stepping into a vibrant, strategic, and passionate organization filled with dedicated folks.
Thank you for staying with The LAM Foundation during this significant transition into the future. I am truly grateful for your ongoing support. If you haven’t donated to the Day of Giving yet, please use the Donate Now link below to help underwrite essential LAM research. I’ll be in the Cincinnati office for our Day of Giving program and hope to be able to thank you, again, for your generous gift to LAM research.
Patricia A. Gentile, Ed.D.
Interim Executive Director